Back to Basics in 2018

One week into the New Year, I’ll be returning to the schedule at Pause Yoga Amesbury, after a brief hiatus. I’ll be offering a Yoga Basics class, which is intended for all levels.

Find depth in the basics. This class makes the hard poses easy, and the easy poses hard. Beginners and more experienced practitioners alike can benefit from attention to fundamentals. We use the same alignment and actions to build a foundation or strengthen it. We open ourselves to what’s new by reinforcing the familiar.

This is based on the fundamental insight that the same alignment cues and actions used by more experienced practitioners, are used by beginners. Moreover, poses we think of as “easier” or “more basic” can be intense with the right sort of attention.

I’m happy to have a class that suits my regulars and welcomes a brand new crop of students who are coming into the studio from Introduction to Yoga series. Although it’s my philosophy that each person’s practice is unique, it’s also my view that we benefit from the energy of practicing in community. We learn both from exposure to “beginner’s mind” and the breakthroughs that come from consistent practice.

I look forward to teaching from this approach, and hope you will join me. To add the class to your Facebook calendar, scan the QR code below, or use the following URL: To sign up for my mailing list, use the following form:

A New Year’s Weekend Three-fer

Three is a magic number.

There are three opportunities to catch a class with me this New Year’s weekend. On Friday, December 29, I’ll be subbing for my teacher Marc St. Pierre. On Sunday morning, December 31, I will be offering a yoga class in lieu of a formal worship service at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Andover, of which I am a member (and past President).

  1. Intro to Yoga 7:30 AM, Friday, December 29 at Yoga Śakti in Salem, MA.
    • For beginning and continuing students (who want to go back to basics or working with physical limitations including injuries) to introduce the key principles of correct alignment in the yoga poses, how to use the breath and how to effectively relax. Emphasis on foundational poses to develop strength, flexibility and balance.
  2. Dynamic Yoga, 9:00 AM, Friday, December 29 also at Yoga Śakti in Salem, MA.
    • This 75 min. class is taught by our own Master Teacher Trainer, Marc St. Pierre. His therapeutic alignment techniques blended with fun asana sequences guide the practitioner to greatly expand his/her practice in a physically dynamic and mindful. Appropriate for the new or seasoned student.


  3. New Year’s Eve Yoga, 10:30 AM Sunday, December 31at Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Andover (MA).
    • It’s often said that yoga means “union,” which implies “of opposites.” To start the New Year off right, join Congregation member, sociologist, and yoga teacher Richard Hudak for some gentle āsana (poses), call and response chanting, meditation, and reflection upon the potent, liminal time between the old year and new. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing, and bring any yoga mats or props you may have. (The Congregation has some available.) The physical practice will offer options to accommodate a range of ability.
