Staff Pose: Dandasana Seated Yoga Poses

Dandāsana (staff pose)

This is the pose in which I landed when I slipped on snow and fell on Monday, February 3. A trip to the ER kept me from teaching class at Sangha Yoga Collective that night. I am happy to report nothing broken. I will need to rehabilitate my right shoulder some: my laptop bag had driven my right arm into the shoulder socket, causing some pain, weakness and limited range of motion. But this will not keep me from teaching my regularly scheduled classes, or the Free/By Donation Community Class on Sunday, February 16. I hope to see you then, and/or at my regularly scheduled class!

Staff Pose is a basic and simple stabilizing pose that is the foundation for all seated asanas and has several benefits:

via Staff Pose: Dandasana Seated Yoga Poses.